Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Coastival Family Fun Day

Past Event
DateSaturday July 6th 2024
Venuedlr LexIcon
Time 11am to 4pm

Ahoy there, join us for a day of family-friendly events by the sea!

We’ll have puppet shows, music, games, arts & craft workshops and more.

Come see our latest dlr Scéal Trail story walk - Little Wolf by Peter Donnelly.

We’ll also have the final of our Build Your Own Boat competition, where you get to launch your vessel on the LexIcon pond.

Competition details to follow soon.

For families with neurodivergent young people, we will have a Sensory Space available indoors should anyone need time out to self-regulate on the day.

Keep an eye on our website, ebulletin and social media channels in June for the full programme of events.

Use the TFI Journey Planner to plan your journey on pubic transport.