Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Ollie the Octopus’ Picnic Party

Past Event
Image Credit: 'King of Sea - Draiocht' by Sharon Murphy
DateSaturday July 6th 2024
VenueProject Room dlr LexIcon (Level 3)
AdmissionFree, drop-in, no booking required
Time 10:30am to 12:30pm

“Ollie Octopus is feeling sad – it’s his birthday and he wants to have a picnic, but he needs help getting it together.

Come under the waves and help him fish for friends and make sea-inspired playdoh cookies to bring to the party!”

Join artist and drama facilitator Joanna Parkes for this interactive creative play experience for children aged 2 to 5 and their caregivers.

This child-directed, open-ended play environment will offer children a range of sensory-play activities to explore and investigate.

It also provides an opportunity for the adult and child to have some fun and play together in this immersive, under the sea world.

Use the TFI Journey Planner to plan your journey on pubic transport.